Your phone is ringing and you don't know who is calling?

tellows provides information to identify trustworthy or potential risk calls - thanks to our worldwide community.

tellows - find out who called with the phone number reverse search & caller protection


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We categorise calls by type (debt collection, serious number, sweepstakes, etc.) and give the number in question a tellows score, which indicates whether a number is trustworthy or suspicious, helping you to decide whether or not to take the call.

Latest from our blog

    We've all had to deal with the same thing. Your phone is ringing and the display shows an unknown number you haven't seen before. So you're asking yourself whether to answer it or not!? Who is calling? You are certainly not the first one to ask these questions. For this reason, tellows developed a database which will help you with your decision about answering or ignoring the phone call. This will definitely save you time and energy. Yet, there is more to it. In addition to a risk rating, tellows provides an approximate location of the number calling. This helps you to find out the origin of the phone call. For additional information visit our Tellows Blog.

    New unwanted phone numbers

    On tellows, thousands of phone numbers are reported by the community every day. Here you can find phone numbers that were reported for the first time and were classified as unwanted.
    1. Guardian gvattani reported Amazon trade with the number ‎3480184315 as Aggressive advertising

      4/18/24, 10:16 AM

      Voce registrataFrode degli investimenti. NON ce la farete mai a fregare nessuno perchè sarete sempre...

      4 Ratings for 3480184315 (Vodafone (cellulare))
    2. Guardian Enzo reported Tim with the number ‎3501517660 as Aggressive advertising

      4/18/24, 3:32 PM

      Sempre Tim,Call center abusivo quindi è frode. SE VUOI MOLESTARE, DEVI PRIMA COMPRARE L'AUTORIZZAZIO...

      2 Ratings for 3501517660 (Operatori virtuali Tim (cellulare))
    3. Mick reported VALERIO GIUSEPPE with the number ‎3936203758 as Cost trap

      4/18/24, 4:07 PM

      ATTENZIONE : Truffatore seriale di contratti. Decine di denunce in corso.,ATTENZIONE : Truffatore s...

      2 Ratings for 3936203758 (Tre (cellulare))
    4. Defender Boris reported Fininvest trading with the number ‎3351907589 as Aggressive advertising

      4/18/24, 2:43 PM

      Voce automatica che dice cose e poi passa un operatore per iscrizione...Frode degli investimenti...

      3 Ratings for 3351907589 (Tim (cellulare))
    5. Vera reported Enel Fotovoltaico with the number ‎+393331260817 as Aggressive advertising

      4/17/24, 5:23 PM

      Chiamano per proporre pannelli fotovoltaici,Rispondo ma non risponde nessuno, intuisco che è un cent...

      7 Ratings for +393331260817 (Tim (cellulare))
    6. Investigator dawnieel reported WindTre with the number ‎+393534295005 as Telemarketer

      4/17/24, 5:41 PM

      Pubblicità Wind TreCall center abusivo ovvero privo di autorizzazione AGCOM, quindi è frode...

      3 Ratings for +393534295005 (Cellulare)
    7. Android reported tim with the number ‎+393485841045 as Aggressive advertising

      4/18/24, 10:10 AM

      fastidioso,Si capisce subito che è una truffa in quanto si spaccia per TIM ma usa un numero di telef...

      2 Ratings for +393485841045 (Vodafone (cellulare))
    8. gigi reported call center with the number ‎+393455923972 as Aggressive advertising

      4/18/24, 10:19 AM

      disturbatori - truffatori per cambio contratto energia elettricaVoce registrata, maschile ( cosa mol...

      5 Ratings for +393455923972 (Cellulare)
    9. Guardian Caius reported Energia with the number ‎+393334349913 as Aggressive advertising

      4/18/24, 10:19 AM

      Call Center luce,Affancul0 anche questo numero,Frode dei contratti energia...

      4 Ratings for +393334349913 (Tim (cellulare))
    10. Vodafone has been reported with number ‎+393467054895 as Aggressive advertising

      4/18/24, 12:28 PM

      Dicono di essere Vodafone e propongono offerte ,ma non lo sono davvero….io sono già cliente da anni....

      3 Ratings for +393467054895 (Cellulare)

    Recently added comments

    1. Defender iPhone reported Call Center with the number ‎0249525588 as Aggressive advertising

      4/18/24, 4:13 PM via iPhone App

      A2A luce e gas

      11 Ratings for 0249525588 (Milano)
    2. Android reported number ‎+393498873335 as unknown

      4/18/24, 4:13 PM via Android App

      1 Rating for +393498873335 (Vodafone (cellulare))
    3. The number ‎+393488700425 has been assigned to unknown

      4/18/24, 4:12 PM

      Dopo la risposta, si sente un bip e poi più nulla

      1 Rating for +393488700425 (Vodafone (cellulare))
    4. Guardian gattonero reported unknown with the number ‎+393484928750 as Trustworthy number

      4/18/24, 4:12 PM via Android App

      1 Rating for +393484928750 (Vodafone (cellulare))
    5. Maury reported unknown with the number ‎+393510711513 as Cost trap

      4/18/24, 4:12 PM

      E' stato effettuato un pagamento di 198,47 presso PayPal con la carta **** . Se non riconosci questo pagamento, bloccalo: Servizio clienti al 3510711513

      6 Ratings for +393510711513 (Operatori virtuali Tim (cellulare))

    Where does the information on telephone numbers come from?

    The tellows community allows you to comment any telephone number. We analyze and classify the calls according to the type of call. The core of tellows is the so-called tellows score. A thought-out algorithm that classifies any number in relation to its risk level. This in turn makes it easier for you to decide whether it is safe to answer the call or not. In order to gather as much information as possible about all the numbers in question, we need your help! With the help of your comments about the numbers and your risk rating you certainly help us to enrich our phone number database.

    Comments on the most frequently searched phone numbers

    1. prf reported unknown with the number ‎3505004848 as SMS spam

      4/8/24, 6:09 PM

      SMS DEL 6/3/2024:
      BPAY: è stato effettuato un pagamento di 990.70 con la tua carta **** presso PayPal.
      Se non lo riconosci bloccalo:

      non cliccate!!

      210 Ratings for 3505004848 (Operatori virtuali Tim (cellulare))
    2. unknown has been reported with number ‎+393501726207 as Cost trap

      4/18/24, 2:52 PM

      66 Ratings for +393501726207 (Operatori virtuali Tim (cellulare))
    3. Legend Bruno reported unknown with the number ‎+393501597568 as Cost trap

      4/18/24, 2:05 PM via Android App

      46 Ratings for +393501597568 (Operatori virtuali Tim (cellulare))
    4. iPhone reported number ‎+393501485682 as unknown

      4/18/24, 2:23 PM via iPhone App


      57 Ratings for +393501485682 (Operatori virtuali Tim (cellulare))
    5. SMS consegna truffa has been reported with number ‎+393802581244 as Cost trap

      4/18/24, 3:41 PM

      SMS finta consegna pacco. Truffa!

      67 Ratings for +393802581244 (Wind (cellulare))

    Often searched companies

    Spedali Civili di Brescia in Piazzale Spedali Civili, 1
    Dolce in Via tripolitania 4
    Giuba Impianti di Cigallino Nicola in Via giuseppe garibaldi 23
    Gls Perugia in Via penna sandro 72/p
    Servizi postali
    Studio Legale Avv. Sara Esposito in Località Casignano 84
    Avvocato generico
    Officine Ottiche Italiane in Via 20 settembre 9
    Fornitore di lenti a contatto
    Italygas in Via Maremmana Inferiore 335
    Fornitore di impianti di riscaldamento
    Colorificio Zardoni in Via sant'antonio 13
    Banca Widiba - Ufficio Finanziario in Via Roma 176
    Consulente finanziario
    Studio Magni e Fortunati Consulenti del Lavoro Associati in Via Giacomo Leopardi 20
    Consulente del lavoro